Our second public meeting for Eastern Parkway will be held on September 24, 2019 at Audubon Traditional Elementary School in their main gym. It will be held from 6:00-8:00pm.
Date: September 24, 2019
Time: 6:00-8:00pm
Location: Audubon Traditional Elementary School
There will be a formal presentation to discuss the initial public input as well as draft concepts to help aid in discussion.
Public Meeting #2 - Survey
To participate online, please use your phone camera to highlight the QR code to the right..
Or you can click the button below to open the online survey:

Public Meeting #2 - Exhibits
The entire presentation is available for download HERE. This includes all exhibits and materials covered at the 2nd Eastern Parkway public meeting.
Jane reinert · January 26, 2020 at 3:56 pm
I’m concerned about potentially adding a roundabout at Barret and Eastern Pkwy( concept 2). I live on the south side of e pkwy between Barret and Baxter and rely on the light at Barret for getting out of my driveway, crossing over to the median for walks, and raking and mowing our lawn close to the road. With a roundabout, I’m afraid rush hour will be a steady stream of cars and we will be stuck. I think desire for improvements on the pkwy is awesome. But do remember folks live on the pkwy. This stretch is all residential except for a church, which also houses young adults.
sewellm · January 28, 2020 at 4:16 pm
Thanks for your comment Jane! We certainly understand the hesitance of introducing a concept that includes alternative intersections, like the roundabout. At this point, we are just tasked with evaluating things that our planners and engineers believe could work. Part of the challenge issued to us is to be more innovative in our approaches, and that usually means stepping outside of our comfort zones. Balancing the heavy flow at rush hour with the rest of the day is always a challenge. We don’t want to design anything that would shut down Eastern, but slowing traffic (dropping the level of service) can be a positive thing for people who are looking for a more comfortable and safe corridor – so we included it as an option. I would encourage you to continue to participate in the conversation as we work through these last iterations of our designs (to be covered tonight) online or in person so we can continue to get to the root of what can work for users of the corridor. We appreciate your positive comments and look forward to continuing the conversation with you as we further hone these ideas.